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Title Color(s) Bowl Shape Width Configuration Gallons Per Flush Bowl Height
Kohler K-3819 Kohler K-3819 Almond, Biscuit, Black, Dune, Ice Grey, Sandbar, White Elongated 18.88 Two Piece 1.6 ---
Duravit 210109 Duravit 210109 White/WonderGliss Elongated 17.13 Bowl Only --- ---
Kohler K-4321 Kohler K-4321 Blue, Red, White, Yellow Elongated 12.88 Bowl Only 1.6 12
Duravit 018209 Duravit 018209 White, White with WonderGliss Elongated 14 One Piece --- 13.19
Kingston Brass VWC2109 Kingston Brass VWC2109 White Elongated 17.63 Two Piece 1.6 14.13
Kingston Brass VTC1292 Kingston Brass VTC1292 White Elongated 18.13 Two Piece 1.6 14.25
Kingston Brass VTC4271 Kingston Brass VTC4271 White Elongated 16.5 One Piece --- 14.375", 14.38
Kohler K-3998-RA Kohler K-3998-RA Almond, Biscuit, Black, Dune, Ice Grey, Sandbar, White Elongated 18 Two Piece 1.28 14.5
Kohler K-3998-RZ Kohler K-3998-RZ Almond, Biscuit, Black, Ice Grey, Sandbar, White Elongated 18 Two Piece 1.28 14.5
Kohler K-3948-UT Kohler K-3948-UT Almond, Biscuit, Black, Dune, Ice Grey, Sandbar, White Elongated 18.25 Two Piece 1.28 14.5
Results 1 - 10 of   199
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